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 Picasso Creative Writing Method

Message From Executive Director


January 17, 2018

Toronto, ON



Announcing Our New Website




After many months and days of grueling work, along with the efforts of long-hours,, from  a variety of supporting cast members, we have finally pulled it all together with our brand-spanking new Website - that signals the launch of our terrific new era and robust platform - that will take our services and growing concern  to  new, larger client-business markets. Moreover, with this remarkable centre-piece, we are also now firmly positioned to expand consulting, marketing  and strategic deliveries to US and International organizations - through the support of both our traditional and  rapidly expanding social media channels.


Long ago, we recognized that there were fundamental changes occurring among leading-edge entities, as they struggled endlessly to deal with the ever-changing, complex, world dynamic . Imagination and critical visions were both becoming more important and utterly needed to succeed.  At the same time, over the past twenty years, we appreciated that significant advances were being made in neuro and cognitive sciences - so, we saw the great opportunity to mesh these two trends into a newborn synergy, we coined - "Rationale Creativity" - that, firstly demystifies the creative process - and thereby, secondly, creates monumental possibilities to tap into and lever the hidden creative potential  of every individual in top organizations with the application of these emerging sciences under our integrative framework.


From this sound platform, so many more profitable permutations and ideas will be derived, synergized and forged; not just in the context of literary arts; but also, in so many other fields of endeavor, ranging from mathematics to physics, to medical sciences. 


So we invite you to take a tour of our site, and to also pass it along to others, who may also find that this  platform of unique services, holds  real strategic and practical value. Particularly, top entities or high- achieving individuals focused on building their creative skills and potential into a strong Critical Success Factor - driving their Distinct Sustainable Advantage - in the new world dynamic!






Ms Terri A McNeil

Executive Director/Founder  

Picasso Creative Writing Method 


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622 Yonge St
Toronto, M4Y 1Z8


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