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Rationale Creativity

Your Voice, Your Genius, Your Unborn Ideas...

It sounds like an oxymoron...or maybe at best, a paradox.


Over the past few decades great advances have been made in neurology and cognitive sciences - yet still, we perhaps only understand about ten percent of how the brain actually works. The brain contains as many neurons as there are stars in the universe, while the various interactions and permutations, may well test the boundaries of infinity. Its power hence seems limitless.


This means that many of the old myths can â€‹now ​be cast aside, particularly with respect to creative cognitive functionality.

Myths that suggest that  a only few select individuals â€‹are gifted with special creative talents does not align with these developing sciences - that clearly evidence  that the creative function exists within each of us. 


To develop that genius within each of us requires awareness, understanding, concepts and frameworks similar to those applied  by the "Picasso Creative  Writing Method'  practiced on regular a basis. These techniques and concepts are not just for the literary arts - but, may also  be applied to many other fields of 



As you begin to unleash your creative powers you will come to understand why it is one of the most important critical success factors for all individuals, organizations and businesses. Without it - all forms of possibilities​ may be  greatly reduced ​to a dreary empty abyss of hollow abstractions. 



So let us  all bring on and celebrate those paradoxes and achievements  to be born of our shared and unique  -  Rationale Creativity.

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