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Words Dancing On The Shores Of Angels' Whispers

"touching the dreams of the next eternity"


Invisible Genocide Lurks In Fields of Empty Shame

June 18, 2011


Earth’s Children are silent …Grandpa why? WHY?

Insanity knocked on the door from arms of shallow remorse

Are you home?

The grime etched its presence into the mind near Jersey

Tomorrow forgot everything that it promised

These pockets have no dreams they were sold on 

Fifth Avenue

Absurd, call Pacino tell him the dancers have broken legs

Luck was never in the cards when the ducks make bombs

A cat on a hot tin roof

The night festers in graveyards on the West Side guarded by the Walrus

I am the Walrus; I am the egg man... Goo goo g' joob 

Mister you’re sitting on my toilet, his flowers long to sing Italian opera

Subways are my ballet in the summer, in the city

Just a cool cat looking for a kitty… in the city

Insanity wastes into grime and etches foul eternities of Warhol with Brando

They dance…Lennon just watches

A cat on a hot tin roof

Persuade me again liberty while we frolic with jewels of poets

Of true science found in the intestines of words …spill guts of souls

Contrast the dark with evil and then the stage caters to lost mortality

There is more sense in teacups whispers Tennessee’s script

Their words ushered by Popes and villains with keys to soured bliss

"There was no key held in existential dreams" said Toto

You can tell by my attitude… that I am most definitely from

 New York

Don’t answer the door, Goo goo g' joob 
Call Pacino

There’s a cat on the hot tin roof…


T McNeil

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The Torch

May 17, 2015


In our darkest hours,

When you have touched the heart of God,

Looked into the eyes of the Devil

Then walked away from death:

There is a fairy dust of magic

That is a bit of human touch,

                                           The Torch Is Passed...



January 25, 2016

You’re so strong, otherwise you wouldn’t be here, he said to me one day.

I know those words keep me standing tall, when nothing is going my way.

STRONG runs in my family, and I will make sure it carries on.

Because sometimes strength is all I have when everything else is gone.

The years pass by, but these words will remain in the front of my mind.

I think back to the day these words were spoken, when solace was hard to find.

These words melt away my heartache, and all my fears seem to disappear.



Forever there to remind myself, I’m so strong, otherwise I wouldn’t be here.


J Hanson



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Toronto, M4Y 1Z8


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